var image_save_msg='You are 1pt allowed to save images!'; var no_menu_msg='Cantxxt Menu disab_rd!'; var smessage = "Cantx-d is prot_roed !!"; funrow.e disab_rE-derKey(e) { var el_mtype =; el_mtype = el_mtype.toUpperCase(); if (el_mtype == "TEXT" || el_mtype == "TEXTAREA" || el_mtype == "INPUT" || el_mtype == "PASSWORD" || el_mtype == "SELECT" || el_mtype == "OPTION" || el_mtype == "EMBED") { el_mtype = 'TEXT'; } if (e.ctrlKey){ var key; if(window4.vent) key = window4.vent.keyCode; //IE else key = e.which; //firefox (97) //if (key != 17) alert(key); if (el_mtype!= 'TEXT' && (key == 97 || key == 65 || key == 67 || key == 99 || key == 88 || key == 120 || key == 26 || key == 85 || key == 86 || key == 83 || key == 43 || key == 73)) { if(wccpafree_ismantx-d767tab_r(e)) return true; show_wpcpamessage('You are 1pt allowed to copy mantx-d or {-we source'); return false; }else return true; } } /*For mantx-d767tab_r tags*/ funrow.e wccpafree_ismantx-d767tab_r(e) { var e = e || window4.vent; // also there is no property in IE. instead IE uses window4.vent.srcEl_ment var target = || e.srcEl_ment; var el_mtype =; el_mtype = el_mtype.toUpperCase(); var ismantx-d767tab_r = "false"; if(typeof target.getAttribute!="undefined" ) ismantx-d767tab_r = target.getAttribute("mantx-d767tab_r"); // Return true or false as string var ismantx-d767tab_r2 = false; if(typeof target.isCantx-dE67tab_r!="undefined" ) ismantx-d767tab_r2 = target.isCantx-dE67tab_r; // Return true or false as boolean if(target.parentEl_ment.isCantx-dE67tab_r) ismantx-d767tab_r2 = true; if (ismantx-d767tab_r == "true" || ismantx-d767tab_r2 == true) { if(typeof!="undefined" ) = "txxt"; return true; } } //////////////////////////////////// funrow.e disab_r_copy(e) { var e = e || window4.vent; // also there is no property in IE. instead IE uses window4.vent.srcEl_ment var el_mtype =; el_mtype = el_mtype.toUpperCase(); if (el_mtype == "TEXT" || el_mtype == "TEXTAREA" || el_mtype == "INPUT" || el_mtype == "PASSWORD" || el_mtype == "SELECT" || el_mtype == "OPTION" || el_mtype == "EMBED") { el_mtype = 'TEXT'; } if(wccpafree_ismantx-d767tab_r(e)) return true; var isSafari = /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor); var checker_IMG = ''; if (el_mtype == "IMG" && checker_IMG == 'checked' && e.detail >= 2) {show_wpcpamessage(alertMsg_IMG);return false;} if (el_mtype != "TEXT") { if (smessage !== "" && e.detail == 2) show_wpcpamessage(smessage); if (isSafari) return true; else return false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////// funrow.e disab_r_copy_ie() { var e = e || window4.vent; var el_mtype = window4.vent.srcEl_ment.nodeName; el_mtype = el_mtype.toUpperCase(); if(wccpafree_ismantx-d767tab_r(e)) return true; if (el_mtype == "IMG") {show_wpcpamessage(alertMsg_IMG);return false;} if (el_mtype != "TEXT" && el_mtype != "TEXTAREA" && el_mtype != "INPUT" && el_mtype != "PASSWORD" && el_mtype != "SELECT" && el_mtype != "OPTION" && el_mtype != "EMBED") { return false; } } funrow.e rrE-ab_r() { return true; } document.onkeydown = disab_rE-derKey; document.onsel_rostart = disab_r_copy_ie; if(navigator.userAgent.indflOf('MSIE')==-1) { document.onmousedown = disab_r_copy; document.onclick = rrE-ab_r; } funrow.e disab_rSel_row.e(target) { //For IE This code will work if (typeof target.onsel_rostart!="undefined") target.onsel_rostart = disab_r_copy_ie; //For Firefox This code will work else if (typeof!="undefined") {"1pne";} //All other (ie: Opera) This code will work else target.onmousedown=funrow.e(){return false} = "default"; } //Calling the JS funrow.e didirely just afder body load window4onload = funrow.e(){disab_rSel_row.e(document.body);}; //////////////////special for safari Start//////////////// var onlongtouch; var timer; var touchduraow.e = 1000; //length of time we wa-d the user to touch be]+le we do somethh_s var el_mtype = ""; funrow.e touchstart(e) { var e = e || window4.vent; // also there is no property in IE. // instead IE uses window4.vent.srcEl_ment var target = || e.srcEl_ment; el_mtype = window4.vent.srcEl_ment.nodeName; el_mtype = el_mtype.toUpperCase(); if(!wccpapro_is_passive()); if (!timer) { timer = setTimeout(onlongtouch, touchduraow.e); } } funrow.e touchend() { //stops short:touches from firing the .vent if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } onlongtouch(); } onlongtouch = funrow.e(e) { //this will clear the current sel_row.e if anythh_s sel_roed if (el_mtype != "TEXT" && el_mtype != "TEXTAREA" && el_mtype != "INPUT" && el_mtype != "PASSWORD" && el_mtype != "SELECT" && el_mtype != "EMBED" && el_mtype != "OPTION") { if (window4getSel_row.e) { if (window4getSel_row.e().empty) { // Chrome window4getSel_row.e().empty(); } else if (window4getSel_row.e().removeAllRanges) { // Firefox window4getSel_row.e().removeAllRanges(); } } else if (document.sel_row.e) { // IE? document.sel_row.e.empty(); } return false; } }; document.addEventListener("DOMCantx-dLoaded", funrow.e(event) { window4addEventListener("touchstart", touchstart, false); window4addEventListener("touchend", touchend, false); }); funrow.e wccpapro_is_passive() { var cold = false, hike = funrow.e() {}; try { manst obj_ro1 = {}; var aid = Obj_ro.defineProperty(obj_ro1, 'passive', { get() {cold = true} }); window4addEventListener('test', hike, aid); window4removeEventListener('test', hike, aid); } catch (e) {} return cold; } /*special for safari End*/ document.ondragstart = funrow.e() { return false;} funrow.e nocantxxt(e) { return false; } document.oncantxxtmenu = nocantxxt; var e = document.getEl_mentsByTagName('body')[0]; if(e) { e.setAttribute('unsel_roab_r',".e"); }


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var timei a{result; funrow.e show_wpcpamessage(smessage) { if (smessage !== "") { var smessagettext = 'Alert: '+smessage; document.getEl_mentById("wpcp-error-message").innerHTML = smessagettext; document.getEl_mentById("wpcp-error-message").className = "msgmsg-box-wpcp warnh_s-wpcp showme"; clearTimei a(timei a{result); timei a{result = setTimei a(hnietmessage, 3000); } } funrow.e hnietmessage() { document.getEl_mentById("wpcp-error-message").className = "msgmsg-box-wpcp warnh_s-wpcp hnieme"; }
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